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Monday, January 27, 2014

Last week (when we were here) and this week (if we are here)...

I love snow, but man does it mess up my lesson plans!  
Thank you parents for sending your children to school well rested and ready to learn.  Missing days has been challenging, but not for the kids of Rainbow Valley!
Last week and this week in math our focus has been using a Rekenrek and getting familiar with the calculating frame and collecting data, applying it into a graph, and analyzing that data. 
Here are some places that you and your children can visit at home for extra practice.
IPAD APP- The Number Rack

Like other rekenreks or number racks, it allows you to work on big ideas around numeracy, addition and subtraction.  You can go from one bead string up to 10 which makes it very versatile as I move between  ability levels.

ABCYA.Com- Great for math!!! (FUN!!!!)

Ask your child a question like how many windows are in the house? Have them use tally marks and tally their answer.  Then ask how many doors?  Have them tally.  Then they can draw and cut out doors and windows and lay them into a graph.  
Ask which has more?  Which has fewer?  How may are there all together?
You can do this activity with just about anything in your home. 

Ask your child to share their tally poem.
One, two, three, four.
Number five shuts the door.
Six, seven, eight, nine.
Number ten draws the line. 

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