School Safety

If you are volunteering in our classroom please make sure that you sign in with our security staff or with the office, and get a visitors sticker. Please make sure our classroom is your only destination.

The ABCs Of Rainbow Valley

Each family will receive a copy of this at our Open House meeting.
In case you misplace it I am posting here for you to refer to if a question may arise during the school year.

                                                                            OPEN HOUSE/MEET AND GREET 2010-2011

Welcome to Kindergarten in Room 11 

My philosophy of effective teaching is to seek to understand and to be understood.  As a primary teacher, my job is two fold.  I work to fill the child’s emotional “bank account” with trust, self-confidence, honesty, and kindness while balancing kindergarten curriculum.  Children must feel valued and have their thoughts and feelings accepted and respected.  I strive each day to develop this respect.  Parent involvement is essential to the success of a child’s education, and I am looking forward to establishing a true partnership with parents in the education of their children.  Your time and talents are always welcome and appreciated. Please keep this parent handbook somewhere safe for reference. 
Absences  If your child is absent, please remember to send in an excise note the following day in your child’s folder.  If you know ahead of time that your child will be absent, please call Kelly Gangwer in the office and let her know.
Attendance: A successful school experience is the responsibility of the children, the parents, and the school.  Your child’s progress, both socially and academically is influenced to a great extent by daily participation.  Regular attendance without tardiness is the key to success.
Alphabet Knowledge: We will learn the letters of the alphabet and the sounds that the letters make in kindergarten.  At the beginning of the year, I will assess each child’s knowledge of the alphabet.  I will assess their knowledge throughout the year as well.
Arrival: Students should plan to arrive between 7:45-8:00 AM.  Students should not arrive prior to 7:40 AM since supervision is not available by the school staff.  Upon arrival, children gather in the cafeteria and in the front of the school building.  Breakfast for those who make prior payment arrangements with the cafeteria manager is served at 7:45AM in the cafeteria.  Students who are driven to school are to be dropped off at the Great Neck Middle School side of the building in the drop off area.  Please refrain from walking your child into the building or to the classroom.  School begins at promptly 8:00AM and for the afternoon class 11:10AM.
Backpacks: To help your child carry information, books, supplies etc… to and from school, you are asked to provide a backpack for this purpose.  Please have your child share the contents with you daily.  Your child’s backpack should be large enough to hold their folder, lunch box, and library books.
Birthdays: Birthdays are special occasions for young children. We will celebrate during our snack time.  Due to food allergies we cannot have birthday snacks. Please let me know in advance if you are sending in a birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, erasers, etc.. with your child.  Please do not send in any food items or balloons.  All invitations must be mailed. 
Book Orders: I will be sending home book order forms for you and your child to look over.  These companies offer wonderful books at reduced prices! What a great way to build a home library.  If you are ordering books please be sure to write your child’s name on the form and write a check or send in a money order to Scholastic. Please do not send in cash.
Blog:  I have a parent information blog.  You can access the blog by going to our John B. Dey webpage.
Please feel free to leave comments on the blog and feel free to ask questions.  I will be updating this often with the hope that you will be reading it.  J 
Clothes: Please dress your child in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for Kindergarten.  It is a good idea to have your child’s name on all coats, sweater, gloves, and hats.  Becoming involved in kindergarten activities often means that students will get a little “messy.”  Also make sure that your child wears appropriate shoes that he/she can run and climb in safely.
Conferences: Parent/Teacher conferences are held throughout the year.  At these conferences, we will be discussing your child’s accomplishments, strengths, and overall progress.  Please feel free to request a conference at anytime throughout the year if the need arises.
Computers: We have five student classroom computers.  We use a variety of age-appropriate programs that reinforce math, reading, writing, science, and social studies.  One day per week we will go to the computer lab to have a lesson with Mrs. Carroll.
Curriculum: The Kindergarten Curriculum includes reading, writing, and math.  Science and social studies are integrated into the above subject areas.  Reading is taught through whole group instruction, independent reading (Reader’s Workshop and Daily Five), guided reading groups, and word study groups.  Writing is also taught through whole group instruction, independent writing, and shared/interactive writing.  Students are provided with many opportunities to respond to literature in a variety of ways during Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies times.  Our math program will explore the following skills: shapes, time, fractions, counting and recognizing numbers, money, measurement, problem solving, adding, and subtracting through the Everyday Mathematics program.
Differentiation: Being that all children are unique they may be at many different instructional levels.  Since it is my responsibility to take each child from where he or she is to a higher level, you can be sure that your child’s individual needs will be met.  Mrs. Law, Gifted Resource, will teach lessons every week in our classroom.  Some extension activities may be send home for your child to complete. 
Please know that your child’s instruction is guided by his or her needs.  Your child’s progress is carefully monitored and assessed to determine his or her academic reinforcement and enrichment.
Discipline: The procedures for discipline will be discussed and practiced daily during the first month of school and will remain posted in the classroom. The students are reminded quite frequently of these procedures.   I also take time out to “celebrate” those students responding appropriately.  Each day a student can have their clip remain on “Green” for super behavior.   If there is a student that after two reminders continues to break the rule(s) I will ask him or her to leave the meeting area with the condition that he/she may come back to our group when ready to follow the classroom procedures and his or her clip will be moved to “Yellow.” 
 If problems persist I will ask the child to move his/her clip to “Red” with the understanding that it will be moved back to “Green” when appropriate behavior is exhibited.  If poor behavior continues a squiggly mark will be placed on his/her behavior chart in the folder and a sticker will not be awarded at the end of the week.
I feel that it is essential for the children to learn to work cooperatively with their peers and therefore have established the “Ticket Reward.”  When children are working cooperatively and maintaining organization at their tables the table will be invited to put a ticket in their cup.  Each Friday we will count the tickets.  The table(s) with the most tickets will earn a special reward for their great work.   In addition to the above rewards, children will be chosen from the morning and the afternoon class as “ SUPER STAR”.  These students will be invited to sit at a special table and wear a star hat. I also send home Happy Grams and award students as I want them to know how much I appreciate their efforts in making each day successful.  J
Dismissal: Dismissal times are 11:10AM and 2:30 PM.  All children who are parent pick-ups in the AM are to be picked up in the office.  PM pick-ups are to be signed out in the cafeteria  and you will be asked to show a  picture ID.  No child will be released to any adult without prior notice in writing.  If your child is going home a different way (with a friend for a play date, are being picked up vs. going home on the bus) we MUST have these changes in writing. No last minute changes will be honored for your child’s and the other children’s safety. NO EXCEPTIONS!
E-mail: You can contact me at school via my E-mail address and gwen.stinard@vbschools.comWe will get back to you as soon as possible.
Emergency Cards: Your child will have an emergency card on file in the clinic and a copy will also go into my classroom notebook.  At least two working phone numbers are required in order to contact parents or other responsible adults in case of illness or emergency.  Please contact me if your phone number has changed.  Please note that I cannot make long distance phone calls from my classroom.  I need to contact the office staff to schedule a time to call you back from the office.  A local phone number is a great thing to have if possible.  J
Envelopes: When sending in money (cash or check) to school please put it in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name.  I can not accept money unless it is in an envelope.  This ensures all money gets to school, and we know what to do with it. 
Field Trips: Kindergarten does not go on field trips because the children are only with us half-day.
Fire Drills: Fire drills are held periodically throughout the year.  All students will participate and are expected to walk quickly and quietly to their designated exit.  We will practice and become familiar with procedures before our first scheduled drill.
Folders: Folders will be sent home each day.  Please take the time to review the papers with your child and initial your child’s behavior chart.  If you need to contact either teacher, please put notes in your child’s folder as we check them daily, and please return the folder each day with your initials on your child’s behavior chart.  If you do not see an abundance of worksheets coming home please do not be alarmed.  The children will be using reading, writing, science, and word study notebooks to record most of their learning.  These will be kept at school until the end of the year.  I will share their learning with you during our parent teacher conference time however, if you would like to see these notebooks please send me a note.  I do ask that you return them the next day as we use them daily.
Footwear: Please have you child wear shoes that are appropriate for running and active movement. No Flip-flops please. J
Help At Home: Your child is expected to know the following kindergarten readiness skills
Full Name                      Address
Basic Colors                   Telephone Number
Counting to 10                   Printing first name beginning with an uppercase letter
When time permits please review as often as possible:
The alphabet, birthday (month, date), identify letter names, tying shoes      
identifying numbers 1-20
Homework:  Assignments are on the homework calendar which will be sent home at the start of each month.  Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday.  I model the skills and the students practice all skills prior to a homework assignment being sent home. Therefore, please do not allow your child to complete any assignments in advance. Homework is to be done independently, however assistance may be necessary with some assignments.  Students will participate in a reward program for completing their homework assignments. 
Some homework tips:
·         Homework presents parents with an excellent empowering opportunity.  Parents you should serve as consultants, however, and not attempting to actually do the homework for your children, but remember they made need you to read instructions to them. J
·         Homework is a natural part of the learning process because it involves the 3 R’s; Recall, Repetition, and Reinforcement.
·         Parents can assist in the process of completing homework by helping to establish appropriate times and places for homework.
·         One of the most effective critical thinking skills and one of the most effective techniques for learning is to have your child teach a lesson to you.  In order to explain something to someone else, your first must understand it very well.
·         Make reading a “given” in your household.  There should be a time each evening or morning when everyone in the home turns to reading and homework, whether there is a specific assignment or not.
Home Reading Program:  Beginning in October your child is encouraged to participate in the at home reading program.  More information on this will come home during the first week of October.  Please note this is your child’s chance to “show-off” their developing reading skills to parents, teachers, and classmates.
Important Papers: Please send all important paperwork via folder and when they are due.
Journals: One strategy that will be used to help convey the vital concept that “print conveys meaning” is the frequent use of journal writing.  In these journals for reading and writing the kindergarteners combine their emerging writing skills with their drawing skills.  As children are exposed to a variety of phonics, word study, and reading experiences journal entries will move from drawings and “inventive” spellings toward more conventional writing.
Kindness: Students are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class with kindness and respect.  Bothering others, bullying, and interrupting learning will not be permitted.
Medicines: All medications, TYELNOL, cough drops, etc… must be given to the nurse, Ellen Deppe.  If you have given your child medication that he or she might behave differently while taking, please let us know via note.  Also, if your child has a fever please keep them at home until they are feeling better. They must be fever free for 24 hours.
Report cards/Progress Reports: Report cards are issued 4 times per year.  The 4th marking period report card will be mailed home. Number grades (1-4) will be earned in the areas of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies.  Unlike grades 1-5, progress reports are issued on an as needed basis in Kindergarten.
Show and Tell: Kindergarten does not have show and tell.  If we are learning about a particular skill and your child has something at home that they would like to share to go along with our current learning, please let me know ahead of time, and we can make arrangements to have them share.  For example, if the class is learning about Washington D.C. and your child has visited their and would like to share pictures let us know.
Snack: We are privileged at John B. Dey to have snack in Kindergarten. Please send in a small, healthy snack and a drink each day that your child can open and close independently. Please no cookies, cakes, soda, or candy.  Lunchables are often too large of a snack and difficult for children to open.  If your child attends the afternoon kindergarten program, please do your best to feed them a good breakfast and lunch before sending them on the bus. We do not have lunch or the time allotted for lunch.  
Toys: Bringing toys to school is discouraged because they distract children from learning.
Transportation:  You must have in writing any changes in your child’s destination. Please send us a note. If your child is a parent pick-up you must sign your child out in the office.   Without a note we must send your child home the normal way, this is school policy.  (Yes, I know I made mention of this twice. J)
Sample-Weekly Schedule:
Opening/Calendar            Monday-Friday    8:00-8:15/11:20-11:35
Math                             Monday-Friday    Times Vary
Language Arts                Monday-Friday    8:15-11:10/11:30-2:20(Guided reading, Daily Five, Word Study,Independent Reading/Writing)
Physical Education         Wednesday           9:50-10:20/12:00-12:30
Music                              Monday                  10:30-11:10/1:40-2:20
Computer Lab             Thursday               10:30-11:10/1:40-2:20
Library                           TBA                     
Guidance                          Wednesday               9:20-9:50/12:30-1:00
Gifted(Mrs. Law)            Tuesday                  8:40-9:10/1:50-2:20
Mystery Readers            TBA
Younger Siblings:  It is in your child’s and the kindergarten programs best interest to have our parent volunteers available without younger children.  This not only allows your full attention to be focused on the class, but it also allows you some special time between you and your kindergartener.  Thank you for making child care arrangements for younger siblings during volunteer times and conference times.
ZZZZs: Make sure your child is getting enough Zzzzs.  Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child.  It will keep them alert and ready to learn each day.
I appreciate your involvement in your child’s educational experience.  Please feel free to contact me by note in the folder, by phone (648-2440) ext. 51332 or E-mail (

                         HERE’S TO A GREAT YEAR IN KINDERGARTEN !

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