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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Names and Colors, Colors and Names!

Thank you to everyone who has already sent in the story of your child's name. They are due no later than Friday, September 28th. 
We are working on learning to identify the letters in our names, how to correctly write the letters the school way, and today we worked on sorting letters in our names and letters that are not in our names.  The students enjoyed counting the letters in their names after reading a great story about a name Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. We graphed the letters in our names.  The largest numbers of letters in a name was eight and the smallest was two. 

This week we are learning about colors. We are learning how to spell and identify color words. 
We have read Pete The Cat I Love My White Shoes & Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Ask your child about these stories and please practice color words.

Here is a cute site to check out the story of Pete the Cat

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