School Safety

If you are volunteering in our classroom please make sure that you sign in with our security staff or with the office, and get a visitors sticker. Please make sure our classroom is your only destination.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Flawless First Day!

Please send your child to school on the school bus beginning the first day.
Teachers will be out at the busses to meet the children. Please don't walk them to the classroom.
Please send your child with a small snack and drink that he or she can open. No cookies, cakes, candy, or glass bottles.
If you have put anything in your child's backpack make sure you tell them to let us know. We don't check backpacks.
Please make sure your child is dress in safe shoes that he or she can run and climb safely in.
Check your child's folder when they get home. 
Return any papers that need to be returned.
Check our blog.
And most to your child about their day. :)
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Stinard @
Here's to a great first day! :)

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