School Safety

If you are volunteering in our classroom please make sure that you sign in with our security staff or with the office, and get a visitors sticker. Please make sure our classroom is your only destination.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Imagine Learning

Yesterday and today the children spent time on a wonderful new program called IMAGINE LEARNING!
This is a self- paced program that meets the children where they are in all components of language arts.
Reading, retelling, phonics, word study!

At this time we can't access it from home. However, if you would like to learn more about the program please visit and follow on twitter.


Condensation, precipitation, evaporation,

Scientist creating the water cycle in the classroom. 
We are recording in our journals our observations.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trouble Shooting- Seesaw

In order to use your Seesaw journal at home-
 You must have the student app for Seesaw.
Your child can't be in the PARENT APP. That's for you! 

I sent one note in Seesaw asking the children to try a task. This is voluntary.
I will send a note in Seesaw when I would like your child to try something at home. :)

Some friends asked today if they could be scientist at home and show me how they could make things dissolve and put it into their Seesaw journal. YES, they can!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Learning Fun!

Today we read the book- Water, Water, Everywhere.
We discussed how water can come in different shapes! It has volume! We also opened up our classroom water station today! 
Your child's book came home with them.  Please read it with your child. You can add it to the reading log! :) 

Ask your child to share their schema for MATTER- solid, liquid, gas. 

Math- Today we finished our making more, less, and, the same assessment. 
It will be coming home soon! 

Technology Tuesday!
NEARPOD was in action today!  We used it as a review of water, and we created a new water slide for a local water park!
PIXIE with Mr. Neihoff- creating a non-fiction page.
We will be sending our finished work in a week or so through SEESAW.

Ask your child about his or her learning today!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Investigating Water

The children have been learning about matter- solid, liquid, gas. We conducted an experiment by changing a solid, ice, into a liquid, and then into a gas. Ask your child about this!

Reading and writing about matter!

We took water and set it out all night. The next day the children observed the change and touched it.

Discussing volume

WE HAVE GAS- Water vapor!

Reminders: Friday, is jersey day. Wear your favorite team jersey to school.
Last call for book orders, Monday is the day I am submitting it.
Homework- Writing homework is due every Friday, new goals have been sent home in your child's folder.
Check SeeSaw often as I am using is more and more for assessments and student sharing. Please feel free to record a message for your child to hear! 

When using RAZKIDS at home your child can record his or her voice when reading! This is a really awesome tool to help increase fluency! They can play it back, and I can also hear it! :) Let's start recording! 

New Technology
 Nearpod- This is an interactive, multimedia tool where I can send the children messages, quizzes, polls, videos, and they can immediately respond to me through their IPADS. We will be working in a few of these this week.  I hope to make Nearpod activities part of February homework. Stay tuned!

KAHOOT- This week the children will take a journey using an interactive tool that is much like a multiple choice game show.  I have created many formative assessments in this program for use in our classroom.
I will post video of our Kahoot sessions! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016


I feel that feedback about my students work is key to their development.  
Please check SEESAW and allow your child to hear my feedback about their expository writing.

Monday, January 18, 2016


I met the creators of this FREE APP at the technology conference. I played with this app and it was super cute and a nice review. :)

Zcooly Store 1 (Number Awareness, Addition, Subtraction and a lot more) Grade K-1

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Check out these sites and apps for math review


In small group we have been playing Line em Up. FREE APP
In the settings you can differentiate.

Your children are enjoying coding. We have learned how to code in the FOOS AND KODABLE

If you want to learn more about coding please see-

I recently attended FETC. WOW! It was so interesting to learn about so many technology learning tools that will help me in improving my instruction.
Over the next month the children will be introduced to a learning tool called NEARPOD.

This tool will allow me to interact with the children in real time on their Ipads. We will be moving from less pencil and paper and more interactive lessons and assessments. I have made some really cool lessons for the children. 

I will have voice and choice for those who would rather the pencil and paper, it will be there for them to use. 
When they are writing for writing, they will always write with a pencil. :) Fine motor development is important to me. 

I am in the process of uploading your child's DRA video from the fall into SEESAW. 



Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Learning, decomposing, sharing

It has come to our attention that WIXIE in fact CAN NOT be accessed at home. When we were first told of this app, we were told it was free and accessible to ALL students at school and at home. This is not the case.
For homework please use the other "working" apps. Thank you in advance for understanding.

Sharing our expository writing

Decomposing 4

We are listeners

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


We will be moving onto our unit on water soon.  
The class will be completing another STEM challenge, and we will need some materials.
Please send them in if you can.
-empty paper towel rolls
-empty toilet paper rolls
Once I have enough I will post to our blog.
Thanks again!

Authors and Illustrators In Action

Today we  read My Favorite Bear.
We discussed how this book had some fictional events along with real facts.
(Great book to read at bedtime with your child.) So sweet.
The children practiced turn and talk.  They were asked to recall facts from the story. 
We added them to our bear anchor chart.
Then, the children completed their writing task.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Reading and Connecting

Today for our differentiated, gifted lesson, Mrs. Whitney read to us 
All The Colors of The Earth
Ask your student about this. 
Once they made their connection (simile)  they took a picture and recorded themselves on SEESAW.
Please check out their work.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome Back!

Today was an exciting day of learning.

Working on learning our teen numbers. Creating them using Unifix cubes.
We are also discussing more, less, the same.

Number work on the IPAD

Talk cards are an important part of our math lessons.
The boys are choosing a number card, counting Unifix cubes to match the card, and discussing more, less, or the same as

If a student has mastered the teens, then they move to the 20s, 30s, etc..

Shape attribute review

Tomorrow, we will be focusing on non-fiction text features.

Today, your child came home with their new January homework and reading log. Every child should have received high frequency word cards before the break.  (I sent them via E-mail as their monthly goal)

These would be the colored cards with words on them. For some of our friends they are words and sentences.
The latest set of cards are the ones they should be using for homework.  Yes, this could be the set that they earned 100% on and met their goal prior to break.
Neat handwriting, finger spacing, phonetic spelling of words OTHER THAN their high frequency words, using appropriate letter formation, and punctuation is to be expected.
This is due on Friday. :)
Every Friday we are going to share our sentences. Please have your child put his or her paper with their name on it into their folder every Thursday evening. :)
This is a great way to help them become more independent.