School Safety

If you are volunteering in our classroom please make sure that you sign in with our security staff or with the office, and get a visitors sticker. Please make sure our classroom is your only destination.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What's The Matter?

Today the children took their expository non-fiction writing assessment.  The shared facts about the 3 Rs. I will be completing the rubic and sending the assessment home at the end of the week or first thing next week.

We have started two new units of study. Subtraction and Matter.
The children are learning different ways to subtract.
We met Linus The Minus! We will continue to add to our anchor chart as we learn more subtraction words! Please ask your child to show you how to subtract. Visit IXL math too!
Matter- What is matter? We are made up of matter!  The kids couldn't believe this!
We are learning the terms solid, liquid, and gas. We are also learning how water flows, and reviewing how some objects sink and some objects float in water.

We have learned a song and read some cool books about matter and the water cycle.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Living Things, Our class garden, and special guest

Fun Friday!
Today we our gifted lesson with Mrs. Whitney in our outdoor garden.
We planted plants that Gabi's mom so nicely got for us in our garden. The children had many jobs, finding insects and worms, measuring plants, digging holes for our plants, planting them, covering them with soil, and watering We planted squash, tomatoes, parsley, peppers, basil. Last week we planted sunflowers.
In our classroom we are sprouting bean seeds.  The children are making observations and journaling their findings.  This is an opportunity for the children to use describing words in their writing.

Today we had a special guest reader.  Mrs. Bev Anderson, School Board Representative came to our class.  She read really cute books to us.  Ask your child about her stories.  Bev is a long time friend of education.  She shared with the children what her job is now that she is on the school board.  The kids thought it was super cool that she used to teach kindergarten.
We were excited to have her!

Homework/Book Orders

Homework will go home on Monday.  Please make sure that your child is completed the math and writing portions.
If you need help with this please let me know.

The book order is due on April 30th.  I am sorry it said March 31st. 

I need two volunteers to help with our classroom garden.  I will need someone to come in once a week until June.  In May our schedule may change due to SOL testing. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in doing.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Outdoor Learning Fun!

Today was a success! The children loved the gardens. 
Thank you to all of our parents and grandparents who helped us to make it even more fun!

Rock, paper, scissors bus games!

Sprouting seeds

Discussing shadows!

Crawling through the caterpillar

Seeds in the ground before they grow!


The coolest conservationist I know!

Sushi shaped like a soccer ball!

Just watching the planes take off and land