School Safety
If you are volunteering in our classroom please make sure that you sign in with our security staff or with the office, and get a visitors sticker. Please make sure our classroom is your only destination.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What's A Word Wall? and Sight Words
Please remember to review sight word flash cards with your child as often as possible.
You may want to play games with the sight words to make learning fun.
Hang the words on a wall and ask your child to say the Flashlight, flashlight poem (we practice this when working on our sight words) and shine a flashlight on the word. Encourage your child to use the words in sentences. (Verbally or if they are ready have them write their sentences.)
Your child can chat or sing their words.
Create a SIGHT WORD JAR. Add sight words to the jar and have your child pick a word and chant it.
Post the words in various rooms in your house and say, go to the _________room and tell me the word. Or what was the word in the ___________?
Here is a websites that you can download game boards from and create your own game. Your child could write in their own words! :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Our Five Senses
In science we are currently learning about Our Five Senses: Sight, Touch, Taste, Hear,Smell
Ask your child about the experiments that they have conducted in class and about their ongoing work in their Science Notebooks.
It is amazing to see the children making observations and recording their learning just like "seasoned" scientists.
Here are some great books about senses:
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by B. Martin, Jr.
The Five Senses (It's Science) by Sally Hewitt
The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses by Joanna Cole
My Eyes Are for Seeing by Jane Belk-Moncure
My Five Senses by Aliki
My Five Senses by Margaret Miller
Space Exploration by Carol Stott
Ask your child about the experiments that they have conducted in class and about their ongoing work in their Science Notebooks.
It is amazing to see the children making observations and recording their learning just like "seasoned" scientists.
Here are some great books about senses:
Singing Into Learning
Many of you have asked about the educational songs that we are using to promote learning in our classroom. Please visit Jack Hartman's website: at There are many cd's to chose from.
We also use other educational songs from Dr. Jean:
During our writing time we often turn on our writing lights and listen to classical music and the Curious George sound track.
We also use other educational songs from Dr. Jean:
During our writing time we often turn on our writing lights and listen to classical music and the Curious George sound track.
Parent Information,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Room Parents
Thank you to our room mom's for creating our morning and afternoon class rosters.
Our morning class room mom's are : Ellen R. (Evan's Mom)and Julie S.(Riley's Mom) and our afternoon class room mom is Cecilia C. (Emilie's Mom).
If you do not see your child's information on the roster please let our room parents know so that they can revise them.
Room parents will be contacting you over the next few weeks.
Our morning class room mom's are : Ellen R. (Evan's Mom)and Julie S.(Riley's Mom) and our afternoon class room mom is Cecilia C. (Emilie's Mom).
If you do not see your child's information on the roster please let our room parents know so that they can revise them.
Room parents will be contacting you over the next few weeks.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Calendar Time
We are really enjoying our calendar time!
Please remember to review with your child the following math skills:
Counting from 1-10( Make sure that they are not skipping any numbers.) Please practice counting beyond 10 with those who are ready.
Creating and identifying 2 and 3 part patterns
Saying the days of the week and the months of the year
Does your child know his or her birthday?
Writing tally marks for the correct number of days we have been in school. (Today was the 13th day!)
Identifying numbers 1-30 (Try naming them out of order.)
Please remember to review with your child the following math skills:
Counting from 1-10( Make sure that they are not skipping any numbers.) Please practice counting beyond 10 with those who are ready.
Creating and identifying 2 and 3 part patterns
Saying the days of the week and the months of the year
Does your child know his or her birthday?
Writing tally marks for the correct number of days we have been in school. (Today was the 13th day!)
Identifying numbers 1-30 (Try naming them out of order.)
Read Aloud
Our class is enjoying My Father's Dragon.
To learn more about this story please visit:'s_Dragon
To learn more about this story please visit:'s_Dragon
Please ask your child to tell you about the story.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Learning is happening!
We are currently learning about sorting words and letters, counting, writing numbers 0-10 the school way, sorting objects by their attributes, writing and drawing in a daily journal, responding to what we read in our Reader's Workshop notebook, learning about our five senses and recording our learning in our Science Notebook. The children are learning to think like scientist. Ask your child to tell you about making observations.
Daily Five is underway! During Read To Self children are practicing looking at the pictures, reading familiar words and phrases, and retelling what they remember about what they have read. They are also participating in Listening To Reading using Tumblebooks.
Daily Five is underway! During Read To Self children are practicing looking at the pictures, reading familiar words and phrases, and retelling what they remember about what they have read. They are also participating in Listening To Reading using Tumblebooks.
Parent Information,
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wondering About Tumble Books and Bookflix?
Tumble Books and Bookflix are two very special learning tools we use in class. We watch Tumblebooks and Bookflix on the smartboard.
The great news is that you can also use Tumblebooks and Bookflix at home with your child. Please email me if you are interested in using either at home, and I will email you the login and password.
I am attaching a video clip about Bookflix that Mrs. Rose, one of the kindergarten teachers created to help all of our Kindergarten Families understand what we do in the classroom with these wonderful tools.
The great news is that you can also use Tumblebooks and Bookflix at home with your child. Please email me if you are interested in using either at home, and I will email you the login and password.
I am attaching a video clip about Bookflix that Mrs. Rose, one of the kindergarten teachers created to help all of our Kindergarten Families understand what we do in the classroom with these wonderful tools.
Mystery Reader Update
Thank you to everyone who responded to our Mystery Reader volunteer time.
I had many people asking for the same dates.
I tried my best to find a date that was close to what you asked for however, November, December and part of January are booked.
I am trying to honor all birthday requests.
If I send home a date that you did not ask for please note that I am doing my best to include everyone on a first come first serve basis.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
FFO Folders
Beginning tomorrow (Thursday)your child will be coming home with an FFO folder. This is a folder that will contain all important information that comes from the office and the PTA. The folders will come home almost every Thursday. Please empty the contents and return the folder to school on Friday.
Please do not put classroom paperwork or notes to me in this folder.
This folder is completely different from our daily class folder.
Please do not put classroom paperwork or notes to me in this folder.
This folder is completely different from our daily class folder.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Learning About Math
'Today we read The Quilt Story.
We learned about shapes and patterns.
Please ask your child about the following shapes:
circle, square, rectangle, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid,oval, and triangle.
Please practice creating 2 and 3 part patterns with your child.
We learned about shapes and patterns.
Please ask your child about the following shapes:
circle, square, rectangle, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid,oval, and triangle.
Please practice creating 2 and 3 part patterns with your child.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Reading Logs
"It's Falling Into Reading!"
It is so important that children be exposed to books and reading each day in order to develop a love of literature and reading skills that will last a lifetime. In an effort to kindle the spark for September and October, our classes will be participating in a reading nightly for twenty minutes as we are “Falling Into Reading In Rainbow Valley.”
The goal is for each child is to read twenty-minutes per night with an adult. You can read to your child, your child can read to you, or you can do a little of both. We are asking that you record your child’s reading on the reading log. Once your child has completed his or her reading log please return it to school in their folder, and he or she will be awarded with a reading leaf for their efforts, and a new reading log will be sent home.
The success of this program would not happen without our wonderful parents. Thank you again for your continued support of your child’s reading habits. It is truly wonderful to see their excitement grow as they become more self-confident with their reading.
Happy Reading !
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Paperwork and More
Many forms went home to each family today. Please sign and return all paperwork and return it to school by Friday.
All school supplies need to be sent in by Thursday.
Kindergarten students do not need a binder. (That was a mistake on the supply list.)
Did you E-mail Mrs. Chiaverotti yet? No? Please E-mail me so that I have your E-mail address.
All school supplies need to be sent in by Thursday.
Kindergarten students do not need a binder. (That was a mistake on the supply list.)
Did you E-mail Mrs. Chiaverotti yet? No? Please E-mail me so that I have your E-mail address.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The First Day
Please make sure you send your child to school with their bus tag. We need to know how they are getting home. Please include their bus # to and from school on their bus tag.
Please send in a small snack and drink each day beginning tomorrow.
Please send in a small snack and drink each day beginning tomorrow.
Friday, September 3, 2010
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