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Monday, March 2, 2015

It was too cold to go out on this cold, cold, wet day!

What a day, what a day, what a day!
First of all it was so nice to see so many smiling faces! I am a snow bunny, but I am ready to teach!
Today, we began incorporating Dr. Seuss books into reading, writing, math, and social studies.   We read and discussed THE CAT IN THE HAT.  The children did some graphing. I asked would you tell your mom if Thing 1 and Thing 2 came into your house?  Then, we created a bar graph. 
The children shared what they would do to make them leave. 
The children learned all about Dr. Seuss through listening to a biography on Brain Pop Jr.  The children thought it was so interesting to know that he got in trouble for being creative in school, and that is why he changed his name!  He could creatively write and be silly without getting into trouble. 
The children took out their creativity "hats" today and constructed their own hats! Dr. Seuss has his signature red and white hat, so they made their own.
Tomorrow, the children will be learning more about adding descriptive words into their writing.  They will be extending their sentences about their hats, and applying their writing skills to their work. 
I was blown away by their creativity!  Just wait until you see the final products!
Speaking of creativity, we still need magazines.  If you have some at home that you would like to donate please send them in for tomorrow. :)
All this week I encourage your child to dress in red and white, wear their favorite Dr. Seuss character attire (nothing fancy, no face or hair paint).  It's nice to hear them share why they love certain characters or connect to part of a book.  It is our goal to continue to instill a love of literature. This is a great way!
Today during our lesson with Mr. Kern, the students began working on building an animated movie using positional words.  This lesson is a review of the words and their meanings as we learned them earlier in the year, but we are taking this to another level. The children are learning how to tie these words into globe and map skills as well as lessons on animation. The children had to follow many directions today.  They did very well!
If the animations are compatible they will be posted to our blog. If they are not, I will think of something!
Our unit on map skills will begin soon! 
As a review today, I went over money skills.  Please continue to make counting sums of money part of our daily routine.
March goals will be coming home this week.

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