School Safety

If you are volunteering in our classroom please make sure that you sign in with our security staff or with the office, and get a visitors sticker. Please make sure our classroom is your only destination.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Glue Sticks

Our glue stick supply is at an all time low.  Please send in glue sticks if you can.

Striving For Success

Are you worried that your child isn’t performing to his or her full potential? Plan to attend an interactive workshop to discuss motivation and share strategies to maintain and improve motivation in students, including those who are underachieving. Presented by the Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development, the session is set for Wednesday, May 1, 6:30 – 8 p.m. at Virginia Beach Middle School, located at 600 25th Street. Bring your own laptop, iPad or wireless device as you will be introduced to an online tool designed to help you understand, influence and motivate bright and gifted children. Teachers of bright and gifted students and school counselors are also invited to this workshop. For more information, contact the Office of Gifted Education and Curriculum Development at 263-1405. To register for the motivational workshop, call 263-1949 or e-mail

Monday, April 22, 2013

Calling All Readers!

If you have not already been a Mystery Reader and wish to be one, please send me an Email. Every Tuesday from 8:25-8:45 we need a reader.  We have one more Tuesday in April and May is open.
We are all set on recycling materials.  Our lesson was last week.  Please don't send in anymore materials. 
Please continue to encourage recyling at home.
Many of you have asked about Field Day.  Mrs. T. will be in touch about Field Day soon.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Science Lab

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Matter

Our Rainbow Valley Friends have really enjoyed learning about the 3Rs and Matter.
We enjoyed visiting the science lab and exploring water in its 3 stages.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fractions, fractions...

In math this week we have started our fun unit on fractions!
The children seem to be really enjoying learning about fractions and working with fractions.
Please review 1/2 and 1/4. Some of our friends already understand 1/3 and someone mentioned 15/16.  WOW!   We have learned a really fun song about fractions.  You can hear it by visiting

The children have also enjoyed reading about fractions.  We have read Give Me Half, Inchworm and A Half, and The Little Mouse and The Red Ripe Strawberry.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Science Is Fun!

Science and Exploration
My kindergarten friends have started their unit on matter.
We began the unit by allowing the children to take various objects and try to change their properties.  This lead into that all matter has properties, and that matter can be a solid, liquid, or gas.

Changing paint

Building with legos

Changing ice

Changing paper