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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Shadows and The 100th Day Of School!

We did some shadow experimenting this week. The children made predictions, and tested different objects to see if they blocked light and created a shadow.
Making shadows

Who doesn't love a shadow puppet?

Working proactively!

Recording data

I just cant wrap my head around the fact that today was the 100th Day of School. It seems like just yesterday my new kindergarten friends walked into meet and greet.  Wow! How they have grown!
Today, we sang songs about 100 in so many ways. We counted by 1s,5s,and 10s. Some of my friends counted by 2s. WOW! This was super cool!
We shared our 100 items, and the children shared how they counted them.  Most of the kids learned that counting by 5s, 10s, and 20s was much faster then counting by 1s.

We created our 100 year old portraits  which are displayed in our room. The children wrote by finishing this statement; When I am 100 years old I will....
These artifacts will be coming home in a week or so.  
In small group, the children created 10 groups of 10 using dot painting and bingo stamping.  
It was an exciting day.  
Tomorrow is the one hundred first day of school! We will begin to count beyond 100! 
Please continue to make counting on from various starting points and identifying numbers 0-100 (and beyond if your child is ready) as often as possible. :)

A new game- Capture The Word!

What I will look like when I am 100!

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