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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Maps and Expository Non-Fiction

We just wrapped up our unit on maps and globes.
The kids love google maps! I will try to allow time during the week for use to google their homes!
The children created a non-fiction expository writing piece today.
After writing, editing, and revising the children learned a new app called CHATTERPIX KIDS.
Check out their work on SEESAW.

This week we are also discussing the presidents.
Here is a song that we have learned.

In math we are currently working on collecting and graphing data.
This is something that can easily be done at home as well.
The children are enjoying asking their friends questions and recording the data through using tally marks and recording that information into a graph.
Show your child a number 1-20 and ask them to write the tally marks to match.
We are working on writing our tallies with appropriate spacing and creating groups of 5. This can be a tricky concept!
We say 1,2,3,4, number 5 shuts the door. 6,7,8,9, number 10 draws a line!
Your child can tally items in your home. One of our friends shared with me that he graphed and tallied the shoes in his house!  Great way to practice!
I am currently pre-assessing the students on their knowledge of money too!

Some of our friends came home with a new goal on Tuesday. Please begin working on these words right away. We are also reviewing this each day in small group.

Homework- Writing homework is due each Friday!
Set up a work space for your child to complete his or her writing.
This is a great time for your child to show off what they can do!
Start with uppercase, finger space, form letters the school way, sound out words (not their high frequency words) , add details, and punctuation. In school we are encouraging these skills daily. If your child is easily distracted during writing time at home, try setting a timer for 10 minutes. Our friends can all complete a sentence and check it in 10 minutes! I have seen them. :) I find that our friends enjoy quiet writing music and our writing light on during this time.  Once your child has tried their best ask them to read it to you. Feel free to "parent write."
Parent writing is much like the teacher writing you see me do on their work.
Our goal is to encourage not correct.


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