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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Details, details, and more details!

In kindergarten we are working on adding details to our writing.  (The 1st grade teachers love details! ;)
What does that look like you ask? 
Our first lesson began with saying "Bye-bye to boring." Boring? You ask? Yes.  Boring! (It ran out the door!)
A sentence that says I like apples.  That is boring.  (The kids loved saying BORRRING!)
We want to make our sentences filled with details.  After several shared and guided writing exercises where we practiced adding details to our sentences the students practiced writing sentences with details.  Here is an example of a student's writing in Rainbow Valley. "I love red juicy apples because they are yummy."  "I love chewing them because my teeth fall out."  Now, that is what we call DETAILS! 
Here is a website that is great for word choice:

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